Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux an Incredibly Easy Method That Works for All

Tarzan Tips
10 min readJul 29, 2022


There are a variety of foods that can trigger acid reflux, and it is important to know which foods to avoid with acid reflux if you suffer from this condition.

Acid reflux can be painful and can cause damage to your esophagus if not treated properly.

Avoiding foods that trigger acid reflux is the best way to control the condition.

What causes acid reflux?

Acid reflux causes are when the stomach acid and bile flow back up into the food pipe (esophagus), usually because of a weak lower oesophageal muscle.

This can cause a burning feeling in the chest and sometimes in the mouth, and reflux can lead to serious complications.

Acid reflux can be caused by an overproduction of stomach acid, chronic inflammation of the esophagus, hiatus hernia, and more.

In the tummy, the stomach should be producing around 3 liters of acid a day to help digest food, but in some people, too much acid is produced.

1. Acidity:

Acidity in your stomach is a burning sensation in the throat or chest caused by stomach acid escaping from the stomach through the esophagus.

2. Stress Silent Reflux:

Experts say that several reasons can causes of acid reflux (1) and that stress can be a big factor.

If you are stressed out more than required, acidic food, beverages, and smoking can be another cause. Definitely, overeating will make you feel uncomfortable.

3. Indigestion symptoms:

Indigestion occurs when stomach acid gets into the esophagus due to a “lid” being open. This lid is called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

The LES is supposed to remain closed to keep stomach acid contained. When the LES opens, acid flows back into the tube (esophagus), causing irritation and inflammation.

There are certain foods we know that can cause the LES (2) to not close for a little while. There are certain medications that can cause the LES to not close.

Foods to avoid with acid reflux

Foods that cause acid reflux symptoms include,

1. Fried and spicy foods:

Fried foods take a very long time to digest, due to which acidity is released and this problem gets aggravated.

For people who eat more spices such as green chili, red chili, black pepper, and capsicum, and then acidity is also a problem in them.

That is why you do not have to eat more spicy food; you should eat normal food.

2. Citrus fruits:

Citrus fruits like orange and pineapple you should not eat. Burning and discomfort are more due to eating this fruit. It happens because of the citric acid present in these fruits.

3. Fatty foods:

Fatty foods make the acid in your stomach less acidic, which causes the acid to travel up into your esophagus.

This can cause heartburn and other symptoms. Such fatty items are the worst foods for acid reflux.

4. Dairy products:

Dairy products can increase the acidity of the stomach by providing a nutrient called calcium (3), which causes a chain reaction in your stomach.

5. Carbonated beverages:

Carbonated beverages don’t cause an increase in stomach acid, but they can increase pressure in your stomach, which pushes acid up into your esophagus.

6. Tomatoes:

Tomatoes are a great addition to many meals but can also cause acid reflux because they contain a nutrient called oxalic acid.

7. Caffeinated drink:

You don’t have to take tea and coffee. They contain caffeine, which increases acid production, so take a small amount of tea if you are determined to take it.

8. Stop Tobacco:

Those who consume tobacco and smoke, then you have to stop it immediately. The problem of acidity increases a lot due to the presence of nicotine.

Such types of foods cause heartburn at night so be aware of such unhealthy habits.

Acid reflux symptoms

Acid reflux is a condition where the food content gets regurgitated into the esophagus. This happens when the lower esophageal sphincter fails to close properly.

The stomach acids come into the esophagus due to this and cause a burning sensation in the chest.

The symptoms of gastric reflux disease vary from one person to another. It is very rare for the same person to experience the same symptoms every day.

Please make a note of the following symptoms that you may experience,

  • Burning sensation in the chest (4)
  • The feeling of mucus in the throat
  • A bitter taste in the mouth or throat
  • Acid reflux symptoms chest pain or stomach
  • Feeling sour taste in the throat and even mouth
  • Nausea
  • Heartburn acid reflux
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Burning sensation in the stomach

Symptoms of acid reflux disease may be in the form of persistent heartburn that can last for a couple of hours or can persist for a few days, severe acid reflux may cause severe stomach pain, and sometimes illness, which can be confused with other conditions such as heart disease.

These symptoms may vary with age and lifestyle. It is advised that you must visit a doctor if you experience the symptoms of heartburn more than twice a week, or if the symptoms are severe. A doctor will prescribe you medicines that are based on the cause of your condition.

What is GERD?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic condition in which acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus.

It causes heartburn, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It can also cause irritation and inflammation in the esophagus.

It is a very common condition. It usually develops in adults in their 30s to 40s and is more common in men than women.

Symptoms of GERD can be a chronic condition. It can last for weeks or years at a time. It often gets better by itself. But it can also cause complications, especially if not treated.

Acid reflux treatment

Reflux is usually replaced by heartburn, which may be a symptom of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). This disease is esophagus inflammation.

It is a very frequent condition, especially in people with a sedentary lifestyle, or in those who consume a lot of fatty food.

GERD can be cured with home remedies, or with acid reflux medications that are available on the market.

Read: Mood-Boosting Foods

What to drink for acid reflux

Acidity is due to the accumulation of acid in the stomach when mixed with food, especially spicy food. Drink coca cola or Pepsi in short intervals.

It counterbalances the presence of acid in the stomach.

1. Drinks that help:

Mint, black tea, and unsweetened cranberry juice are good for acid reflux.

Try to eat small meals and avoid lying down for two hours after eating.

2. Ginger Tea Benefits

You can drink ginger tea for acid reflux relief.

Ginger tea has shown positive results as an acid reflux remedy for indigestion, gas, and heartburn.

How often:

  • Drink 2 cups of ginger tea every day to get relief from acid reflux (5) disease.


  • If you are suffering from reflux disease, then you should avoid spicy, fried, or fatty foods.
  • Also, stay away from caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, and chocolate.

Acid reflux in babies

Baby with acid reflux, How Common is it? Babies and infants can develop acid reflux just like adults.

In addition to the symptoms that occur with adult acid reflux, infants and toddlers can have trouble sleeping; regurgitate food, liquids, and sometimes saliva; experience difficulty feeding; and suffer from chronic vomiting, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Children (babies with reflux) under 18 months can develop symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

When should I stop giving my baby acid reflux medicine?

It’s important to treat your baby’s symptoms. If your baby is crying from discomfort and the spitting up is getting worse, then you should treat her symptoms. Otherwise, there is no reason to stop giving acid reflux medicine.

The longer you treat your reflux babies, the less likely they will develop health problems later in life.

If your baby is on PPI (6), then you should discuss with your doctor about increasing the dose of the best acid reflux medicine.

Prevent acid reflux in children

If you have children, you should ensure they adhere to oral medications.

To prevent acid reflux in children, have them take smaller meals, eat slowly and avoid foods that trigger their heartburn.

Also, ensure they sleep on their sides, not their tummy.


1. What are the signs of acid reflux in adults?

Ans: The signs of acid reflux in adults are bad breath, heartburn, difficulty swallowing, feeling like food is stuck in your throat, chest pain, wheezing, difficulty breathing, coughing, hoarseness, sore throat, chronic cough, and chest discomfort.

The signs and symptoms of acid reflux in adults are caused by the stomach contents getting back up into the esophagus.

This causes the contents to irritate the esophagus and gives a feeling of a lump in the throat. Such symptoms can be caused due to other medical disorders.

Discuss with your doctor whether you could have acid reflux.

2. Is it okay to drink Yakult while having acid reflux?

Ans: Yes, it is perfectly ok to drink Yakult while having acid reflux. However, Yakult is probiotic and probiotic means beneficial to your health.

So it is good to drink Yakult while having acid reflux. Probiotics can help to modify your stomach condition to a certain extent.

Also, Yakult is very nutritious and contains a lot of ingredients that are helpful for your health. However, if you are allergic to any ingredients in Yakult, then, it may not be good for you.

3. Are athletic greens good for acid reflux?

Ans: First of all, athletic greens are pretty good for you. The greens contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, which are good for your body.

Second, the greens help you lose weight because they give your body what it needs to work out and be energized. But one thing you should be aware of is that the greens are also very acidic. The acidity can make your acid reflux problems even worse.

Your body uses acid to digest food, so if you are giving your body too much acid, it may start producing too much acid, which will cause discomfort.

How do you avoid acid reflux with the greens? All that you need to do is to take a little less than the recommended dose.

You should also take the greens with a small meal. If you are taking the greens (7) with a small meal, your body will not produce as much acid since it is getting the food that it needs to start digesting your food.

4. Does acid reflux medicine expire?

Ans: Yes, it does. Most acid reflux medications have an expiration date mentioned on the label. If the best medicine for acid reflux is not past the expiration date, it can be used for those number of days and should be kept out of the reach of children or pets.

You can store the medicine in original packing or any lightproof container. If you find the medicine has expired, you can safely discard it.

5. Should you take acid reflux medicine in the morning or at night?

Ans: It should not matter whether you take medicine for acid reflux in the morning or at night. The effectiveness of the medicine does not work based on the time of day you take it.

However, doctors recommend taking acid reflux medicine with food to ensure the medicine goes down smoother, which reduces the burning sensation.

If your stomach is sensitive and you experience a burning sensation, try taking the medicine before bedtime or with a meal. Just follow the acid reflux diet lifestyle as well.

6. How to prevent acid reflux?

Ans: You may not be a doctor but you can surely get rid of heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion at home,

  • Before retiring to bed, have a warm glass of water.
  • Sleep on a soft and comfortable bed. Take a pillow with you as well for support.
  • Avoid consuming large meals right before a good night’s sleep.
  • Avoid eating too close to bedtime.
  • Sleep with your head elevated for about six hours before bedtime.
  • Remember, acid reflux and heartburn is usually a symptom of a greater underlying problem.
  • The symptoms of being overweight might be lessened by decreasing weight.
  • If you drink alcohol, cutting down will help.

Best medicine for acid reflux

Medication for acid reflux, there are lots of remedies to help with acid reflux. Your favorite is to drink a glass of water before you go to bed. It helps you to get rid of gas and acid reflux symptoms.

The other way to control acid reflux is to control your diet. If you eat food with a lot of fat and spicy, your stomach (8) will have a hard time digesting the food. This will increase acid reflux. So eat more vegetables and fruits and drink more water.

There are many medicines available to prevent it. If you are taking medicines to prevent it, then it’s better you consult with a doctor.

Medications can have side effects. Therefore, it is preferable to seek medical suggestions.

Final Note

As we have seen, there are a number of foods that can trigger acid reflux. By foods to avoid with acid reflux, you can help keep your symptoms under control.

Remember, though, that everyone is different. What functions for one individual might not work for other people.

If you suspect that a particular food is triggering your acid reflux, talk to your doctor or dietitian. They can help you create a personalized plan that will allow you to enjoy.

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