Groundbreaking Tips To Home Remedies for Toothache
A toothache is an extremely painful, but common, problem. You can get a toothache (1) by eating something that irritates your teeth, by grinding or clenching your teeth while you sleep, or by having a cavity.
A toothache may be a symptom of an underlying problem or a problem in itself. A toothache should not be neglected because it can lead to other dental problems. If a toothache is neglected and is not treated early, then it may result in many other problems. Therefore, it is necessary to go for treatment as soon as you experience a toothache.
According to the dentist, there are many types of toothache which are pain or ache in a single tooth, pain or ache in multiple teeth, pain or ache in the gum (gingivitis), pain or ache in the jaw, and pain or ache in the ear due to toothache.
If you have a toothache, there are preventative steps you can take to help keep your teeth healthy. Learn more details about home remedies for toothache.
Toothache causes
Toothache is a very annoying problem that occurs in children and adults. Many people suffer from toothache due to tooth decay. But apart from tooth decay (2), some other reasons can also cause toothache problems. Then know these regular causes of toothache,
1. Accident:
A fall on the face or a forceful accident can lead to broken or fractured teeth. But this is often not noticed. If the severity of the fracture is more, i.e. if the nerve is fractured, the pain is felt more. Also, due to the accident, plaque and bacteria increase in the cracks on the teeth can also increase toothache.
2. Cracked tooth syndrome:
Sometimes the problem of a toothache can occur in addition to any diseases like gum disorders, or cavities. A hidden fracture, mainly in the inner part of the tooth, can cause toothache. This type of fracture is not easily seen in the X-ray. This problem is called cracked tooth syndrome.
Such tooth problems can be caused due to wrong way of biting food, a habit of biting teeth while sleeping, some accidents, or big cavities in teeth. This can cause severe pain when eating or biting hard foods.
3. Biting teeth:
If people with crooked teeth have a habit of biting their teeth may have tooth pain issues. Because the excessive load on the tissues of the mouth while biting the teeth causes pain in the joints and muscles of the jaw along with the pain of the teeth.
4. Eating habits:
Improper tooth brushing causes gum recession. Due to this, the protective coating around the teeth is reduced and there is a possibility of suffering from eating extremely hot and cold foods. Eating foods that are high in acid also increases sensitivity and weakens the teeth.
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5. Wisdom teeth:
Severe pain is likely to occur during wisdom teeth because this molar comes partially or completely from the gum. But if there is not enough space, it affects the surrounding gums as well as the surrounding teeth.
And can cause terrible pain. But after the appearance of wisdom teeth, it is difficult to keep them clean. Therefore, there is a higher chance of infection and growth of germs in the mouth.
6. Teeth Braces:
Braces are used to align the teeth and reduce the gap between the two teeth which often causes toothache.
7. Sinus problems:
Toothache at night can also be caused by other causes besides dental or oral problems. Mainly sinus problems cause toothaches because of the pressure of the bones near the nose on the back of the teeth. In some exceptional cases, jaw pain (3), and toothache is a symptom of heart disease.
Toothache symptoms
Tooth pain can be felt as a sharp sensation or a dull ache, and it can be felt in any tooth in your mouth.
Toothache symptoms are that you may have like a fever or swollen gums.
The main symptom of toothache is pain. Some of the other symptoms caused by toothache include redness around the tooth, swelling, and tenderness of the gums, and increased sensitivity to temperature and touch.
Upset mouths and sores on the delicate skin of the tongue cheek lip gum in the mouth are also common dental diseases in today’s hectic life.
The lack of vitamin C can also cause a disease called scurvy in the gums. Gums swell in this disease. Black-blue falls; blood continues to flow from it.
Swelling of the gums can be due to the accumulation of waste, and germs in the gums, as well as infection of germs in the gums and ‘pus’. Pyorrhea (4) is a major disease of the gums. This disease causes bad breath.
Toothache is usually accompanied by a bad taste in the mouth and a bad smell, and it tends to get worse when you eat or drink.
Home Remedies for Toothache
1. Clove oil:
Ever since the earlier days of Indian Ayurveda, people have been using clove and its oil as home remedies for toothache. Clove oil not only helps in lowering tooth pain but also helps in preventing sore gums. Clove oil is obtained from the stem and bud of the clove plant.
- 3 drops of clove oil
- 1 cotton ball
- ½ teaspoon of olive oil
- Take the clove oil drops and mix the same with the ½ teaspoon of olive oil.
- Then take the cotton ball and soak it in the solution, and apply it to the affected area of the tooth. Keep the cotton ball onto the affected area, until the pain subsides.
- Once done, don’t hesitate to rinse the mouth with running water.
How often:
- This toothache home remedy must be carried out once per day for at least 2 weeks or until the pain isn’t there anymore.
Suggestions (if any):
- You can also mix the clove oil with coconut oil for enhancing such home remedies for toothaches.
2. Garlic:
Garlic is one of the most popular home remedies for toothache. This is because garlic has antibiotic properties, which help in offering great relief from any kind of tooth pain. Garlic also helps in improving your body’s immunity power.
- 2 garlic pods along with salt and pepper.
- The quantity of salt and pepper that you should be using will depend on your tastes.
- Start by taking the pods of garlic and crushing them using salt and pepper.
- Create a thick mixture and then apply the mixture to the affected area of your teeth.
- Keep the mixture till your pain subsides.
How often:
- Proceed to continuously repeat treatment every day, till your pain goes away.
Suggestions (if any):
- To further improve the potency of such home remedies for toothaches, you can utilize more garlic pods if you want.
3. Onions:
Onions are also said to be antibacterial as well as antiseptic, which can help in controlling toothaches, hence, you can easily obtain relief from tooth infection-causing germs by using onions as one of the most impeccable home remedies for toothache.
- Slices of a peeled onion
- Proceed to take the onion slices and then keep them in the affected area of your tooth.
- You can also bite into the onion and keep the same inside the affected area for at least ten minutes.
- Once done, proceed to clean your mouth with fresh water.
How often:
- Repeat this home remedy for toothache at least once every day for the next two to three weeks.
Suggestions (if any):
- When cleaning your mouth after carrying out such toothache home remedies, you can also proceed to brush your teeth, because onions have a pungent smell that can last for hours.
4. Asafetida:
In this toothache remedy, you have to use asafetida to deal with toothaches as well as bleeding gums. As a result, you’ll be able to keep the health of your teeth and gums intact and thereby enjoy a healthier lifestyle.
It should be known that asafetida contains various antifungal, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties.
- Take a pinch of asafetida (5)
- 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
- Cotton ball.
- Mix the asafetida with the lemon juice, and proceed to slightly heat it.
- The solution should be warm.
- Once done, use a cotton ball and then dip it into the solution.
- Apply the soaked cotton ball onto the affected area and keep the same for the next 10–15 minutes.
- After that, proceed to wash your mouth.
How often:
- Such remedies for toothache should be carried out at least once or twice per week.
- You can also continue the remedy till your toothache goes away.
Suggestions (if any):
- You can also fry asafetida with clarified butter and then apply the same to the affected area of your teeth so that you can obtain the ideal remedy for toothache.
5. Ginger:
When it comes to toothache remedies, you simply cannot avoid using ginger. Ginger is closely related to spices like cardamom, turmeric, and galangal, which means that it also has antibacterial properties.
You can use ginger in any form you like from simple fresh ginger to powdered/dry ginger for healing your toothaches.
- ½ teaspoon of ginger paste
- ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
- 2–3 drops of olive oil.
- First, take the teaspoon of ginger paste and mix the same with the cayenne pepper.
- The amount of ginger paste and pepper you will be using should be equal.
- After that, add the olive oil drops and then apply the mixture to the affected area of your teeth.
- Try to keep the mixture for at least 10–15 minutes. Once done, rinse your mouth with fresh water.
How often:
- If you want this tooth pain home remedy to work well, you have to repeat the process at least once or twice every week.
Suggestions (if any):
- For improving this toothache medicine remedy, you can also add some turmeric into the mixture.
6. Peppermint oil:
Belonging to the mint family, peppermint is a type of aromatic herb. It’s said to be a cross between watermint and spearmint and is mostly found in Europe and North America.
You must remember that peppermint oil is extracted from the leaves of the peppermint plant and therefore can be used as one of the many remedies for tooth pain relief. Peppermint tends to have a sharp odor and the overall taste is refreshing.
- 2 to 3 drops of peppermint oil along with 2 to 3 drops of olive oil.
- Also, obtain some cotton swabs.
- Firstly, take the peppermint and olive oil, and then proceed to mix the same thoroughly. Then take a small piece of a cotton swab and dip the same into the solution.
- Then place the cotton swab onto the affected area of your teeth, so that you can enjoy tooth nerve pain relief.
- Keep the cotton swab in place for the next ten to fifteen minutes or until your pain subsides.
How often:
- To deal with your unbearable tooth pain, you must carry out this remedy at least once per day, until your toothache goes away.
Suggestions (if any):
- You can also use clove oil with this toothache remedy, by mixing the same with the olive and peppermint oil, thereby making the solution more potent.
7. Salt water for toothache:
A very simple solution is to gargle with salt water after the onset of toothache. This helps to stop toothache quickly.
Salt water helps to kill the germs in the teeth. It is not a medicine for toothache. You can get permanent medicine only from the doctor. But you can definitely use it to stop toothache temporarily.
How to use:
- Take a glass of warm water and mix salt in it
- Make a batch of it. This water should be applied to the aching tooth. Fill the hearth
How often:
- Twice in a day or three times as per your tooth pain
8. Guava Leaves benefits:
According to one study, guava leaves contain anti-plaque properties called “gajaverine” which are useful for oral health.
Guava leaves also have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that keep you away from toothache. It also reduces both mouth ulcers and toothache. This one is the best emergency toothache relief.
How to prepare:
- Boil guava leaves in water and then strain the water
- Then add salt to that water and then fill the hearth when the water is warm
- You can also chew guava leaves (6) to get relief from toothache.
Suggestions (if any):
- Remember to clean guava leaves before using them.
9. Nigella seeds:
Nigella seeds contain an analgesic property called thymoquinone. It can be used well to get relief from toothache. Apart from this, this oil acts as a painkiller. It gives quick relief from toothache.
How to use:
- Soak the Q tip or earbud in nigella seeds oil i.e. kalonji oil.
- Apply to the affected area of the tooth and fill the cavity after a while.
How often:
- Two times a day
Suggestions (if any):
- If desired, you can add this oil to warm water and use it as a mouthwash
10. Baking soda for teeth:
Baking soda uses is a guarded and effective home remedy. It has antibacterial properties and is used to kill bacteria in the mouth. It provides quick relief from real toothache. It is used to protect against bacteria and you can also use it as a mouthwash.
How to use
- Soak a cotton ball in water and then apply baking soda
- After applying baking soda, apply it to the aching tooth
- You should try enough 3 times a day
Suggestions (if any):
- You can fill the hearth by mixing baking soda with warm water
11. Vanilla extract:
Vanilla extract is useful as a self-care to soothe the tooth. Many use it as a home remedy. You can use it to get rid of toothache quickly.
How to use:
- Apply vanilla extract with the help of cotton on the affected tooth
12. Cinnamon powder:
This is a home remedy for tooth decay that has been going on since ancient times. The anti-inflammatory properties found in cinnamon help in providing relief from toothache. Along with this, cinnamon oil or cinnamon toothpaste is also effective.
- Cinnamon powder
- Honey
How to use:
- Mix honey with cinnamon powder
- Apply this paste to the toothache and fill the cavity after some time
Suggestions (if any):
- Honey and cinnamon paste together are very beneficial as a home remedy for toothache.
- Honey is good for its natural antioxidants.
13. Oregano oil:
You can use oregano oil as a home remedies for tooth nerve pain. As it contains natural antioxidants, it is beneficial in getting relief from toothache. Also, you can get good oregano oil benefits even if you use this oil very little.
How to use:
- Soak an earbud in oregano oil and then apply it to the aching tooth
How often:
- Do this process again on the tooth after a few hours
14. Oil pulling:
The benefits of oil pulling are also helpful in reducing toothache. It kills the bacteria present in the teeth. Let’s check out how to oil pull,
- Coconut oil or sesame oil
How to prepare:
- For this, take coconut or sesame oil in your mouth.
- Keep it in your mouth for about 10 minutes and swish it around.
- Spit out the oil after about 10 minutes and rinse with warm salt water.
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Toothache treatment
Toothache is treated according to the condition of the tooth. Let’s find out what can be helpful
You can treat the tooth with a doctor’s medicine. These medicines contain antibiotics. (7) It also reduces toothache
If there is swelling or infection in the gums, you can do home remedies. Try to visit your dentist once as well.
In some cases of treatment for toothache, the doctor advises filling the tooth i.e. to fill the tooth with silver or cement, and in some cases, the tooth is so damaged that it is also advised to remove.
If plaque is causing toothache, it is recommended to remove the tooth and clean the tooth regularly.
Throbbing tooth pain
It seems that you are suffering from tooth abscesses and abscesses in the gums. It is a local infection caused by bacteria, which enters the gum tissues, the tissues that surround the teeth. Tooth pain is a result of the swelling of nerves.
Abscesses are painful, but a toothache is not always a sign of an abscess. Interestingly, the pain may be in a tooth that is not even infected.
The other signs of tooth abscess stages like red, swollen, or tender gum fever severe.
Dental tips of the day
If you want to avoid toothache, you need to take care beforehand. Learn exactly how to stop tooth pain fast,
- Take care of dental hygiene. Brush regularly. Brush twice a day
- Do not smoke tobacco.
- Eat low-sugar foods. Avoid consuming too sweet foods.
- Consume fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.
- Consume more foods like milk, curd, and cheese. Also, focus more on nutritious food.
- Check the tooth after some time. Consult a doctor regularly.
1. What toothache mean?
Ans: Dentists do not use the term “toothache.” Instead, they refer to toothache as “tooth pain.” Your teeth and gums can become sore for a variety of reasons. Tooth pain can indicate a problem with your teeth, gums, or supporting bone.
Toothache is the pain originating from the tooth itself or the nearby tissues or nerve. It is the result of some disease or lesion of the teeth or their supporting structures or the surrounding soft tissues. It can be acute or chronic.
Toothache is caused by bacteria; it can be infected by various microorganisms like fungi, viruses, or bacteria.
2. What is the main cause of a toothache?
Ans: The main cause of toothache is an infection in the tooth. A tooth can have many problems, apart from the pain of a toothache, which includes decayed teeth, discolored teeth, fractured teeth, teeth with holes, teeth affected with gum disease, and tooth sensitivity.
Get your teeth checked by a dentist as soon as you get a toothache. The earlier you get treatment, the better your chances are of stopping the infection and you will minimize the pain a lot.
3. Can toothache cause headaches?
Ans: Yes, it can. Teeth are made up of calcium (8) so when calcium is broken down, it can damage the nerves of the teeth and cause toothache.
The nerves of the teeth travel through the jaw and up to the temple and behind the eye. So, these nerves carry intense toothache pain to the temples and toothache causes headaches.
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4. Can toothaches cause your ear to hurt?
Ans: Yes, toothaches can cause your ear to hurt. There is a direct connection between the gums and teeth and the ear. When you have toothaches, the nerves of the teeth trigger the nerves of the ears and make your ear feel pain.
5. Are toothaches normal with braces?
Ans: Usually, a tooth with braces has no problems with toothaches. The only time you will feel toothache and ear pain is if your brackets irritate the gums and you feel pain like you would from a cut or scrape.
The gums will heal after a few days, and you should be fine. If one tooth hurts with braces then you should check with your orthodontist to see if he or she wants you to take anything like Ibuprofen or Tylenol.
6. Does toothache medicine expire?
Ans: Most pain relievers don’t expire, so you can safely keep on using them until they’re gone. After that, you should try to find a suitable replacement (there are many out there, in lots of different flavors and brands) or maybe ask a doctor for a prescription for a more powerful pain reliever.
7. What medicine can I give my dog for tooth pain?
Ans: If the pain is isolated to one tooth, then the tooth can be treated with a local anesthetic. However, if the pain is generalized to multiple teeth and your dog is too young to have its teeth pulled, then your vet may prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection in the mouth and gums.
Make sure your dog has a complete dental examination at least once a year to make sure that it is not suffering from any deeper dental issues.
8. Why does tooth pain come and go?
Ans: The roots of most teeth contain a nerve, a sensory nerve that is connected to the brain. This nerve controls the sensation of the tooth, thus allowing you to feel pain.
You may be having tooth pain because of a cavity, (9) gum disease, toothache, or tooth abscess. These are all different problems that require different solutions.
9. Can a toothache go away on its own?
Ans: Unfortunately, most people think that toothache can go away on its own. But, toothache will not go away without treatment. Toothache is a symptom of something else going on inside of the body, and it usually is due to infection or sometimes too much plaque.
If you have a toothache, you need to get it checked out by a dentist.
Final Note
A toothache can make it difficult to enjoy life, especially if you are experiencing constant pain. Toothaches can be caused by several different things, including cavities, gum disease, and even a broken tooth.
In fact, prevention is the best approach. Follow a good oral care routine, and if you experience the signs of possible extreme tooth pain can’t sleep, see your dentist right away.
It is important to talk to your dentist about toothaches as soon as possible to get the treatment you need, but the following home remedies for toothache can help you manage the pain until you can see your dentist.
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